PERSONALquarterly 4/2018 - page 19

04/18 PERSONALquarterly
Research question:
How can inclusive HR practices facilitate the re-
integration of employees with disabilities and how do they contribute
to a positive diversity climate within companies? How does a positive
diversity climate affect team performance?
Mixed-methods design at the Audi corporation: Qualita-
tive focus group interviews with all stakeholder groups; two quantita-
tive survey studies.
Practical implications:
By designing and applying inclusive HR prac-
tices, companies can successfully retain older workers and employees
with disabilities and foster firm performance.
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Boehm, S. A./Dwertmann, D. J. G. (2015): Forging a single-edged sword:
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Work, Aging, and Retirement, 1(1), 41-63.
Boehm, S. A./Kunze, F. (2015): Age diversity and age climate in the work-
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Postdoktorandin am Center for Disability and
Universität St. Gallen
Titularprofessor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
und Direktor des Center for Disability and
Universität St. Gallen
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