PERSONALquarterly 1/2016 - page 22

PERSONALquarterly 01/16
Research question:
What are critical success factors in virtual
organizations and what are the challenges for remote working, virtual
employability, and multidimensional diversity in teams.
Literature based survey combined with investigative
Practical implications:
New communication skills and leadership com-
petencies are required for high performing virtual teams. This becomes
critical in terms of recruiting and developing adequate talents. Training
and experience sharing in virtual organizations are the key stone for a
new working environment.
Professor für HR Management, Leadership
und Internationales Management an der
Munich Business School
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Standard zur Qualifizierung von Teammitgliedern für ein Vir-
tual Team XT ist Voraussetzung und wird im Fokus zukünf-
tigen modernen Projektmanagements stehen.
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