PERSONALquarterly 2/2017 - page 35

02/17 PERSONALquarterly
Research question:
This article deals with the question of the
health challenges of mobile working. It focuses on the possibilities
in which mobile work can be organized conforming to health and
safety standards and concentrates on organizational and social
aspects in particular as starting points for strategic personnel work.
The article reports the results of a scoping review
that was conducted within the scope of the project „Mental
health in the working world“ of the German Federal Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). 156 sources, including 54
primary studies were analysed. Mobile work is a form of occupati-
onal mobility where the mobility requirements arise directly from
work. Duration, frequency, rhythm and conditions of mobility are
determined by the organisation.
Practical implications:
Generally, the framework for mobile work
should be designed so that mobility can take place without hin-
drance and according to health and safety standards. Furthermore,
it should support possibilities of social contact and attachment of
occupationally mobile workers. Practical measures can continue
from individual and enterprise levels while establishing and
maintaining time buffers is of vital importance to make mobility
more beneficial to health.
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Professur für Arbeits- und Organisations-
psychologie und Personalmanagement im
Fachbereich I der Wirtschafts- und Gesell-
Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im FB I
für Grundsatzfragen und Programme
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und
Freier wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin
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