02/19 PERSONALquarterly
und langfristig zu Produktivitätseinbußen und Konflikten Ar-
beit-Privatleben führen kann (Spurk/Hirschi/Kauffeld, 2016).
Zusammenfassend lässt sich schließen, dass die Bereitstellung
von IKM sowie OLBU sowohl für junge AkademikerInnen als
auch Organisationen von Nutzen ist. Es ist wichtig, dass Organi-
sationen den Bedarf an IKM für ihre jungen AkademikerInnen
ermitteln und individuell passende Angebote auswählen und
die tatsächliche Nutzung der Angebote unterstützen. Die einge-
setzten Strategien sollten fortlaufend bewertet und bei Bedarf
angepasst werden.
Baumeler, F./Hirschi, A. (2018): Laufbahnmanagement von jungen
Arbeitnehmenden. In: Kauffeld S./Spurk D. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Karriere und
Laufbahnmanagement, Berlin/Springer, S. 167-190.
Crafts, T. D./Bell, T. M./Srisuwananukorn, A./Applebaum, H./Markel, T. A.
(2018): Accounting for early job turnover in recent pediatric surgery fellowship
graduates: An American Pediatric Surgical Association Membership and Credentials
Committee study, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 55, 11, S. 2273-2278.
De Vos, A./Cambré, B. (2017): Career Management in High-Performing
Organizations: A Set-Theoretic Approach, Human Resource Management, 56, 3, S.
De Vos, A./Dewettinck, K./Buyens, D. (2009): The professional career on the
right track: A study on the interaction between career self-management and orga
nizational career management in explaining employee outcomes. European Journal
of Work and Organizational Psychology, 18, 1, S. 55-80.
Fernández-Cornejo, J. A./Escot, L./Kabubo-Mariara, J./Kinuthia, B. K./Eydal,
G. B./Bjarnason, T. (2016): Gender differences in young adults’ inclination to sa-
crifice career opportunities in the future for family reasons: comparative study with
university students from Nairobi, Madrid, and Reykjavik. Journal of Youth Studies,
19, 4, S. 457-482.
Hirschi, A. (2018): Karriere- und Talentmanagement in Organisationen. In:
Kauffeld S./Spurk D. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement, Berlin/
Springer, S. 543-560.
Hirschi, A./Nagy, N./Baumeler, F./Johnston, C. S./Spurk, D. (2018): Assessing
key predictors of career success: Development and validation of the career resour-
ces questionnaire. Journal of Career Assessment, 26, 2, S. 338-358.
Kraimer, M. L./Seibert, S. E./Wayne, S. J./Liden, R. C./Bravo, J. (2011): Antece-
dents and outcomes of organizational support for development: The critical role of
career opportunities. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96, S. 485-500.
Lu, C. Q./Sun, J. W./Du, D. Y. (2016): The relationships between employability,
emotional exhaustion, and turnover intention: The moderation of perceived career
opportunity. Journal of Career Development, 43, 1, S. 37-51.
Schuler, H./Kanning, U. P. (2014): Lehrbuch der Personalpsychologie, Göttingen.
Schooreel, T./Shockley, K. M.,/Verbruggen, M. (2017): What if people’s private
life constrained their career decisions? Examining the relationship between home-
to-career interference and career satisfaction. Career Development International,
22, 2, S. 124-141.
Spurk, D./Hirschi, A./Kauffeld, S. (2016): A new perspective on the etiology
of workaholism. The role of personal and contextual career-related antecedents,
Journal of Career Assessment, 24, 4, S. 747-764.
Super, D.E. (1953): A theory of vocational development, American Psychologist, 8,
5, S. 185-190.
Tews, M. J./Michel, J./Xu, S./Drost, A. J. (2015): Workplace fun matters … but
what else? Employee Relations, 37, 2, S. 248-267.
Wihler, A. (2018): Mentoring von Erwerbstätigen in Organisationen. In: Kauffeld
S./Spurk D. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement, Berlin/Springer,
S. 785-810.
Research question:
What role do perceived career opportunities
and organizational career support play for young academics?
Conducting an online survey with young acade-
Practical implications:
Perceived career opportunities and orga-
nizational career support should be provided by the organization
as they promote subjective career success and predominantly po-
sitive work-related attitudes and behaviors of young academics.
Doktorandin, M. Sc. Psychologie
Abteilung für Arbeits- und Organisations
psychologie, Philosophisch-humanwissen
schaftliche Fakultät, Universität Bern
Abteilung für Arbeits- und Organisations
psychologie, Philosophisch-humanwissen
schaftliche Fakultät, Universität Bern