PERSONALquarterly 2/2018 - page 31

02/18 PERSONALquarterly
Research question:
Why is it important to foster staffcare and
selfcare and how effective is a health oriented leadership inter­
vention including both aspects?
We conducted a longitudinal intervention study
with three measurements over a period of six months.
Practical implications:
Whereas health oriented leadership (staff­
care) increased over a period of 6 month, there have been target
group specific effects regarding health oriented self-leadership
(selfcare). Health oriented leadership interventions should there­
fore address both selfcare as well as staffcare. However, to foster
selfcare the current situation of the target-group should be con­
sidered and training transfer should be supported more strongly.
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Lehrstuhl für Arbeits-, Organisations- und
Sozialpsychologie an der Fakultät für Lebens-
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Betriebliche
Gesundheitspsychologie, Institut für Arbeits-
medizin an der Medizinischen Fakultät
RWTH Aachen University
Lehrstuhl für Arbeits-, Organisations-
und Sozialpsychologie an der Fakultät für
Technische Universität Braunschweig
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