CONTROLLER Magazin Spezial 12/2015 - page 17

Congress was not only about knowledge but also about mak-
ing new contacts and friends. For that reason we organised
a speed networking event. Everyone’s KPI was to meet as
many new contacts as possible.
After the coffee break, Dr. Saša Trandafilović came in his
full military uniform, which made a strong impact on all
the participants. His presentation was about showing simi-
larities between controlling in companies and controlling in
a government sector. Terminology is a bit different but the
principles are the same.
Our fifth speaker was Andreas Graf. Andreas explained how
digital controlling works in his company VIP Mobile.
Aleksandra Paunić talked about what is expected from a
controller as a business partner in insurance. An interesting
fact is that insurance was introduced in Serbia in the 19th
century. Besides that, Aleksandra spoke about controlling
processes, reporting, KPIs and planning in insurance.
Tatjana Lukić, who is a regional sales director for Microsoft,
talked about sales controlling. Tatjana’s job is very chal-
lenging, taking into account that she is responsible for 24
countries from Malta to Cyprus and Mongolia to Uzbekistan.
Sales controlling’s main goal is “Get us to green!”.
Ljubomir Skupek revealed where controlling information
travels to and from. He had many interesting statements
about controlling:
“Management board is like
mother and father”.
Accounting is like an older brother.
IT is like your best buddy from school.
After Ljubomir, Nikola Petreski introduced himself to the au-
dience. Controller as a business partner has to have certain
Nikola excited the audience by showing same characteristics
during his presentation, which was out of the ordinary be-
cause of its simplicity.
After the last break, Dalibor Jevtić gave his opinion about
what a successful controlling consists of:
He finished his presentation with a joke where he drew an
equal sign between a good fairy and a controller.
Nenad Kovačević talked about changes. Changes are some-
thing that we need to face if we want to improve. Whether
it is about controlling or in our private life, every change
requires learning. On that way the most important thing is
to have support.
Our last speaker was Ivan Tadić. Ivan thinks of a controller as
an internal consultant and auditor. He drew a line between
German and Russian controlling and culture.
The third ICV Congress of controllers finished in good spirits.
People were satisfied with the organisation, speakers and
number of new contacts they made during the event. We all
expect the fourth ICV Congress next year to be even greater
than the last one.
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