CONTROLLER Magazin Spezial 12/2015 - page 21

Most certainly you also have had such or similar
experiences. So you could reconstruct the Quadrilog of
these communication situations. Try it next time in real life.
It really works better!
The significant levels of communication can be shown on
the factual level in front of the controlling circle, as well as
behind it on the human relation level. In front of the circle
the factual arguments will be negotiated. Nevertheless
these negotiations are accompanied by positive or negative
emotional reactions, such as fears, apprehensions, hopes,
expectations etc. However, the outcome of the negotiations
will be influenced by emotions up to 80% on the human rela-
tion level. To achieve successful results during negotiations,
it is essential that the participating partners have a common
understanding of the communication rules, and they are
aware of the “Quadrilog”, so they can consider them and
bear them in mind.
Based on my own experiences I am going to illustrate some
of the most typical behavior patterns and possible solutions
during the controlling processes:
Behaviour of Controller
“Mr. M. today it’s already the 10th of the month: I need the figures of
your department to finalise my report! When can you give me these
Behaviour of Representative
“Why do you think I need objectives? I have always fulfilled my
revenue goals.”
Behaviour of Head of Sales
“Mr. Controller, where did you get these figures? Surely not from me!
And how do you come to these statements?”
Solution: Head of Sales
“That’s true and that’s why I am sure this will happen also
this time: What do you think you could achieve next year?”
Head of Sales agrees with sales representative about the new annual revenue objectives
– Controller discusses actual/plan deviations with Head of Sales
– Controller presenting management report to the Board
Solution: Head of Sales
“Yes, you are right, I am already overdue. I would like to take into
account the latest orders too. They will be confirmed tomorrow.
The day after tomorrow you will get the figures already prepared and
commented for your report. Can you live with this?”
Solution: Controller
“Which figures are right to your mind? The impression I have is that
you are bothered more by my statements than by my figures!
Could we discuss them afterwards?”
The fourth ear receives the appeal: we try to give advice or
instructions to exercise influence on the partner and to avoid
loss. In our example this might be the advice to the manager
to increase efforts and deploy changes.
This model of the four ears might show us how quickly and
inadvertently misunderstandings can occur. Due to this more
conflicts, stress and anger could arise. Therefore it is im-
portant to communicate as precisely and clearly as possible
and also to become conscious about which ear is the most
sensitive for our partner and also for ourselves.
What kind of other typical situations can occur in the com-
munication and behaviour between managers and control-
lers during the controlling processes?
If we use the controlling circle as a typical symbol of the con-
trolling processes, it might contain specific critical situations
of communication with corresponding behaviour patterns by
the involved people. (Fig. 2)
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