CONTROLLER Magazin Spezial 12/2015 - page 19

Since 2008 seminars of the CA controller akademie have
been held in Barcelona and since 2014 also in Madrid, led
by the CA coach Dietmar Pascher. In 2015 with the support
from the CA and Dietmar Pascher I also started offering
such seminars. The first two-day seminar on May 20–21
in the conference rooms of the Financial Association ASSET
in Barcelona was a successful start with ten participants.
Further seminars are planned in Madrid and Bilbao.
Know-how transfer to Spain is going to be reinforced with
specialised literature. The ICV working group Spain has a
great interest in translating ICV publications and “Controller
Magazin” articles into Spanish. Greatest interest is gener-
ated by the “Working Capital Management” statement, cur-
rently only available in German and English. This publication
is now to be launched in Spain. Since the ACCID is interested
in such translated publications and also has the necessary
resources, an agreement with ICV Spain has been reached.
The ACCID pays the costs of translation and printing and
provides an agreed number of copies of the Spanish edition
for ICV Spain.
Andreas Kovacs,
Leader ICV working group
Budapest 2, member of the
board of MCE, Hungary
This contribution aims to improve the communica-
tion between managers and controllers and is based
on the workshop of the WG Budapest that was held
in October, 2014. I would like to introduce to you the
most important topics of the workshop.
Most probably the following sentences are not unknown by
most of the managers and controllers:
“Mr. K. the revenues of your department don’t meet the
expectations, missing at least 20%, and if you continue as
before, you will never deliver them.”
Human factors in the cooperation between managers
and controllers in the course of the controlling process
Although Mr. K. is already aware of these facts, being in-
formed in such a vicious way by the department controller
hurts his self-esteem a lot. This sentence was so humiliating
that Mr. K. turned away and left the room speechless
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