PERSONALquarterly 4/2016 - page 43

04/16 PERSONALquarterly
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Research Question:
To what extent does brand-oriented
leadership affect brand commitment as well the resulting brand
behavior of employees in regard to the employer brand?
Structural equation model with data from an
online survey.
Practical Implication:
Employees with a strong brand commit-
ment can act as ambassadors of the brand when attracting new
talents. As brand-oriented transformational leadership is able to
enhance brand commitment companies might utilize it within
their employer branding.
Referentin Personalentwicklung, Dürr AG
Professur für Unternehmensführung am
Institut für Marketing und Management
Universität Hohenheim
Assistentin der Geschäftsleitung
Ads-tec GmbH
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