CONTROLLER Magazin 4/2015 - page 113

English, please!: International Workgroup
Herwig Friedag is the leader of the new
ICV’s International Work Group. The
group is English-speaking only, including
a new “business model” for ICV-work
group members: The task for every year
will be, to work as a consultant for one
How can you reach this
We choose a so-called
target company every year.
This company will be ana-
lysed in order to provide
ideas, suggestions and pro-
posals (but not end-to-end
management consultancy) for
modern management in all
How can a company become a target
Companies from all over Europe
may apply for this ICV support. Besides hotel,
meeting rooms and meals, the company will
not incur costs. If several applications are
submitted, ICV corporate members will have
Who do you want to be a member of your
work group?
Our target members are
English-speaking ICV members with at least
5 years of professional experience as control-
lers, as well as consultants.
How often do you meet?
We have two
workshops a year. In spring we meet for a
knowledge-workshop, in autumn for discus-
sing and presenting the results. For the
spring meeting the participants meet for a
guided tour through the target company. The
company‘s management will request assis-
tance with up to four subject areas. On Satur-
day work group-teams will be formed to
address these subject areas.
During the preparation time – for approx. 6
months – the teams will work independently
to address their respective subject area.
Internal communication will take place via
Skype, telephone conference calls etc. – per-
sonal meetings are possible as well.
During the result-workshop in autumn the
teams present their respective solutions
internally, then discuss them in the overall
group in order to obtain feedback and additi-
onal considerations. New teams will then
make revisions. On the second day the
results will be presented to the company‘s
management. That is why the work group
meetings will be held at or near the office of
the target company.
This sounds laborious ... The
participants must be willing
to commit a significant
amount of their time: 4 travel
days, 2 – 4 days between the
two workshops. And they are
responsible for their own tra-
vel costs.
How open are companies
for your offer regarding
the fact that the result of your work
depends on the quality of the informa-
tions you get – they might be secret as
Employees from competitive compa-
nies may not participate in the workshops.
Participants in the work group are committed
to be absolutely confidential about the infor-
mation and procedures they get in touch with.
Are new members welcome?
Yes. At this
first work group meeting nearby Katowice in
Poland we will be 16 members from 7 coun-
tries. I am missing participants from Switzer-
land, perhaps also some from Austria and
the western parts of Germany. But most
important: we want to be a really internatio-
nal and well experienced group rejoicing to
work in new constellations. So if anybody
wants to be a part of this International Work-
group-meeting in 2016, please write me an
Actual members of the International
Work Group?
Herwig Friedag, Berlin, Ger-
many; Nicoleta Thomka, Romania/Germany;
Andreas Kovacs, Hungary; Anna Wieloch,
Poland; Borut Kadunc, Slovenia; Edyta
Szarska, Poland; Jana Štelcer, Croatia; Jas-
mina Očko, Croatia; Jörn Ney, Germany;
Josef Mair, Austria; Luiza Arcab, Poland;
Mariusz Rzeźnikiewicz, Poland/Germany;
Melanie Vesper-Gräske, Germany; Olivera
Semiz-Cerge, Serbia; Romina Oreskovic,
Croatia; Walter Schmidt, Germany.
Am 23. April hat in Wladimir, einer 190 km
nordöstlich von Moskau auf dem „Goldenen
Ring“ gelegenen historischen Stadt, der
6. Internationale Controlling Kongress der
russischen Controllervereinigung stattge-
funden. An der Tagung unter dem Motto
„Aktuelle Herausforderungen des Control-
lings und Anforderungen an Controller“
nahmen Gäste aus verschiedenen Städten
und Regionen Russlands wie auch aus Bul-
garien, Deutschland und Estland teil.
Einleitend berichtete Prof. Sergey Falko, Vorsit-
zender der russ. Controllervereinigung von der
Moskauer Baumann Universität, über den
40. Congress der Controller, den er wenige
Tage zuvor in München besucht hatte. Anschlie-
ßend informierte Hans-Peter Sander, Leiter des
ICV-Teams PR / New Media, über den Control-
lerPreis 2015 sowie über die Jahresthemen des
ICV, Big Data, Industrie 4.0, Nachhaltigkeit.
Referenten der Tagung widmeten sich mehr-
fach Fragen der Rolle der Controller in den rus-
sischen Unternehmen und den sich daraus
ergebenden Anforderungen an die Persönlich-
keitsprofile. Dabei wurden Betrachtungen
sowohl entsprechend dem IGC-Controller-Leit-
bild wie auch den Auffassungen der CIMA
angestellt. Andere Redner gingen u. a. auf das
Monitoring und die Entwicklung von Mitarbeiter-
Kompetenzen ein.
Russische Controllervereinigung und ICV arbei-
ten seit mehreren Jahren zusammen.
Wladimir, Stadt am
„Goldenen Ring“.
Herwig R. Friedag
am „Goldenen Ring“
CM Juli / August 2015
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