Personal quarterly 1/2024

PERSONALquarterly 01 / 24 48 NEUE FORSCHUNG_FÜHRUNG PROF. DR. FABIOLA H. GERPOTT Professur für Personalführung WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management E-Mail: LITERATURVERZEICHNIS Ashford, S.J./Blatt, R./ VandeWalle, D. (2003): Reflections on the looking glass: a review of research on feedback-seeking behavior in organizations, Journal of Management, 29, 6, 773-799. Carsten, M. K./Uhl-Bien, M./West, B. J./Patera, J. L./McGregor, R. (2010): Exploring social constructions of followership: A qualitative study. The Leadership Quarterly, 21, 3, 543–562. Die Ärzte (1999): Rebell, Album: 13. Die Ärzte (2003a): Dinge von denen, Album: Geräusch. Die Ärzte (2003b): Der Grund, Album: Geräusch. Güntner, A. V./ Klasmeier, K. N./ Klonek, F. E./ Kauffeld, S. (2021): The power of followers that do not follow: Investigating the effects of follower resistance, leader implicit followership theories and leader negative affect on the emergence of destructive leader behavior. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 28(3), 349-365. Hofstede, G./Neuijen, B./Ohayv, D. D./Sanders, G. (1990): Measuring organizational cultures: a qualitative and quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35, 286–316. Jordan, J./Sorell, M. (2019): Why reverse mentoring works and how to do it right. Harvard Business Review. Kelley, R. E. (1992): The power of followership. Doubleday. LePine, M. A. (2022): The challenge-hindrance stressor framework: an integrative conceptual review and path forward. Group & Organization Management, 47, 2, 223-254. Peluso, P. R./Freund, R. R. (2018): Therapist and client emotional expression and psychotherapy outcomes: A meta-analysis. Psychotherapy, 55, 4, 461–472. Schmid, E. A./Pircher Verdorfer, A./Peus, C. (2019): Shedding light on leaders’ self-interest: theory and measurement of exploitative leadership. Journal of Management, 45, 4, 1401-1433. van der Velde, A./Gerpott, F. H. (2023): When subordinates do not follow: A typology of subordinate resistance as perceived by leaders. The Leadership Quarterly, 101687. Walter, F. (2015): Ursachen und Folgen destruktiver Führung, Personal Quarterly, 2015, 03, 46-49. Zacher, H./Pearce, L. K./Rooney, D./McKenna, B. (2014): Leaders’ personal wisdom and leader–member exchange quality: The role of individualized consideration. Journal of Business Ethics, 121, 2, 171-187. SUMMARY Research question: How can different forms of subordinate resistance be classified? How often do leaders experience these different forms and do they differ in terms of perceived destructiveness? Methodology: 40 semi-structured interviews and a survey of 1,229 managers. Data were analyzed based on machine learning methods and correlation analysis. Practical implications: When experiencing employee resistance, it is important to identify the root causes. Overreactions of the leader can be reduced by cognitively reframing resistance and collegial feedback. ANNA VAN DER VELDE Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Lehrstuhl Personalführung WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management E-Mail: management-group/leadership/anna-vander-velde/