PERSONALquarterly 01 / 24 32 SCHWERPUNKT_DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SUMMARY Research question: Companies are often interested in recruiting women. What and how should they communicate in job advertisements to attract them? Methodology: In five studies, we investigated influences of gender distribution, images, language, and recruiters on the application intentions of women and men. Practical implications: Companies can influence the extent to which jobs are attractive to women by communicating inclusive signals in job postings. Detailed recommendations for action are presented. LITERATURVERZEICHNIS Apfelbaum, E. P./Suh, E. Y. (2023): Transparency about lagging diversity numbers signals genuine progress. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, online first. Avery, D. R./McKay, P. F. (2006): Target Practice: An organizational impression management approach to attracting minority and female job applicants. Personnel Psychology, 59, 157-187. Bian, L./Leslie, S.-J./Murphy, M. C./Cimpian, A. 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