Personal quarterly 1/2024

17 01 / 24 PERSONALquarterly NICOLA V. GLUMANN Doktorandin am Center for Disability and Integration Universität St.Gallen E-Mail: MAGDALENA SCHERTLER Doktorandin am Center for Disability and Integration Universität St. Gallen E-Mail: SUMMARY Research question: This article highlights two key topics in the modern workplace: (1) the inclusion of people with disabilities and (2) the impact of remote work on the experience of inclusion. Methodology: The results are based on longitudinal data representative of the German working population. Around 8,000 employees in Germany were surveyed every six months. Practical implications: (1) Employees with disabilities feel less included, so promoting inclusion is central for these employees. (2) Telework brings new challenges for inclusion. Inclusion efforts must therefore be adapted to this context. PROF. DR. STEPHAN A. 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