Personal quarterly 4/2023

PERSONALquarterly 04 / 23 16 SCHWERPUNKT_NEW WORK SUMMARY Research question: More than 60 % of employees work in more than one team at the same time (= multiteaming). Why do companies use multiteaming? What are the consequences for employees, teams, and companies? And what does a successful management look like? Methodology: This literature review provides an overview of key findings in multiteaming research and derives evidence-based recommendations. Practical implications: Multiteaming can increase organizational and team performance. However, significant side effects on the stress perception of employees must be considered. DR. STEFAN BERGER Assistenzprofessor für Organizational Behavior Universität Groningen E-Mail: LITERATURVERZEICHNIS Berger, S./Bruch, H. (2021): Role strain and role accumulation across multiple teams: The moderating role of employees’ polychronic orientation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42, 7, 835–850. Berger, S./van de Brake, H. J./Bruch, H. (2022): Resource leverage, resource depletion: A multilevel perspective on multiple team membership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107, 2, 298–309. Bertolotti, F./Mattarelli, E./Vignoli, M./Macrì, D. M. (2015): Exploring the relationship between multiple team membership and team performance: The role of social networks and collaborative technology. Research Policy, 44, 4, 911–924. Chen, G./Smith, T. A./Kirkman, B. L./Zhang, P./Lemoine, G. J./Farh, J.-L. (2019): Multiple team membership and empowerment spillover effects: Can empowerment processes cross team boundaries? Journal of Applied Psychology, 104, 3, 321–340. Cohen, S. G./Bailey, D. E. (1997): What makes teams work: Group effectiveness research from the shop floor to the executive suite. Journal of Management, 23, 3, 239–290. Cummings, J. N./Haas, M. R. (2012): So many teams, so little time: Time allocation matters in geographically dispersed teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33, 3, 316–341. König, C. J./Bühner, M./Mürling, G. (2005): Working memory, fluid intelligence, and attention are predictors of multitasking performance, but polychronicity and extraversion are not. Human Performance, 18, 3, 243–266. Maynard, M. T./Mathieu, J. E./Rapp, T. L./Gilson, L. L. (2012): Something(s) old and something(s) new: Modeling drivers of global virtual team effectiveness. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33, 3, 342–365. Mistry, S./Kirkman, B. L./Moore, O. A./Hanna, A. A./Rapp, T. L. (2022): Too many teams? Examining the impact of multiple team memberships and permanent team identification on employees’ identity strain, cognitive depletion, and turnover. Personnel Psychology, in Druck. Mortensen, M. (2014): Constructing the team: The antecedents and effects of membership model divergence. Organization Science, 25, 3, 909–931. O’Leary, M. B./Mortensen, M./Woolley, A. W. (2011): Multiple team membership: A theoretical model of its effects on productivity and learning for individuals and teams. Academy of Management Review, 36, 3, 461–478. Pluut, H./Flestea, A. M./Curşeu, P. L. (2014): Multiple team membership: A demand or resource for employees? Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 18, 4, 333–348. Van de Brake, H. J./Berger, S. (2023): Can I leave my hat on? A cross-level study of multiple team membership role separation. Personnel Psychology, 76, 1, 221–248. Van de Brake, H. J./Walter, F./Rink, F. A./Essens, P. J. M. D./van der Vegt, G. S. (2020): Benefits and Disadvantages of Individuals‘ Multiple Team Membership: The Moderating Role of Organizational Tenure. Journal of Management Studies, 57, 8, 1502–1530. daher seltsam anmuten. Gleichzeitig wird die Sinnhaftigkeit von Teambuilding-Maßnahmen in zunehmend projektbasierten Strukturen mehr und mehr infrage gestellt: Mitarbeitende verbringen ohnehin nur einen Teil ihrer Arbeitszeit in oft kurzlebigen Projektteams – macht Teambuilding dann überhaupt Sinn? Ja, es macht Sinn und an Investitionen in die Entwicklung von Teamprozessen sollte auch in Multiteaming-Strukturen nicht gespart werden.