Personal Quarterly 3/2022

23 03 / 22 PERSONALquarterly PROF. DR. KERSTIN ALFES Vizerektorin Lehre Lehrstuhl für Organisation und Personalmanagement ESCP Business School E-Mail: SUMMARY Research question: This article aims to demonstrate how communication can become a catalyst that strategically promotes well-being in the workplace in a way that fits the company and unleashes employees’ potential. Methodology: Qualitative assessment of the literature on factors that enhance well-being in the workplace. Practical implications: Scientifically validated interventions that promote well-being in the workplace can become an integral part of organisational culture with the help of strategic and consistent communication of company-tailored well-being initiatives. CHRISTIN MEY, MA, M.SC Zert. Coach für Fach-und Führungskräfte, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Lehrstuhl für Organisation und Personalmanagement ESCP Business School E-Mail: Pressman, S./Kraft, T./Cross, M. (2015): It’s good to do good and receive good: The impact of a ‘pay it forward’ style kindness intervention on giver and receiver well-being. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 10, 4, S. 293-302. Quinlan, D./Swain, N./Vella-Broderick, D. (2012): Character Strengths Interventions: Building on What We Know for Improved Outcomes. Journal of Happiness Studies, 3, 6, S. 1145-1163. Rose, N. (2019): Arbeit besser machen: Positive Psychologie für Personalarbeit und Führung, Haufe. Seckler, C./Fischer, S./Rosing, K. (2021): Who Adopts an Error Management Orientation? Discovering the Role of Humility. Academy of Management Discoveries, 7, 4. Seligman, M. (2011): Flourish: A new understanding of happiness and well-being - and how to achieve them. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. VanderWeele, T. (2021): How we can rebuild communities after the pandemic., Abfrage am 19.01.2022. VanderWeele, T. (2019): Measures of community well-being: a template. International Journal of Community Well-Being, 2, S. 253-275. Williams, G. (2016): Discovering the professional within: how identifying our character strengths can help build our ideal career and success. PsychTalk, 85, S. 5-9, The British Psychological Society. Zhang, X./Bartol, K. (2017): Linking Empowering Leadership and Employee Creativity: The Influence of Psychological Empowerment, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creative Process Engagement. Academy of Management Journal, 53, 1. Zelenski, J. (2020): Positive psychology: The science of well-being. Sage Publishing.