PERSONALquarterly 3/2020

41 03/20 PERSONALquarterly SUMMARY Research question: We investigate the influence of forced distri- bution systems on the cooperativeness of employees. Methodology: A field study. Practical implications: When using forced distribution systems, companies should bear in mind that these might reduce the cooperativeness of employees. PROF. DR. KERSTIN PULL Professur für Personal & Organisation an der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen E-Mail: d- organization/ DR. THOMAS GLÖKLER Geschäftsführer HMT GmbH E-Mail: LITERATURVERZEICHNIS Alsever, J. (2007): What is Forced Ranking? In: bNet. Bashir, U./Bashir M./Rohra, C. (2011): An Investigation of the Forced Ranking System (FRS). Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 5/6: 1581–1593. Berger, J./Harbring, C./Sliwka D. (2013): Performance Appraisals and the Impact of Forced Distribution. An Experimental Investigation. Management Science 59/1: 54–68. Blume, B./Baldwin, T./Rubin, R. (2009): Reactions to Different Types of Forced Distribution Performance Evaluation Systems. Journal of Business and Psychology 24/1: 77–91. Giumetti, G./Schroeder, A./Switzer F. (2015): Forced Distribution Rating Systems: When Does Rank and Yank Lead to Adverse Impact? Journal of Applied Psychology 100/1: 180. Grund, C./Przemeck, J. (2012): Subjective performance appraisal and inequality aversion. Applied Economics, 44(17), 2149-2155. doi:10.1080/00036846.2011.56 0109. Harbring, C./Irlenbusch, B. (2008): How Many Winners are Good to Have? On Tournaments with Sabotage. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 65/3: 682–702. McBriarty, M. (1988): Performance Appraisal: Some Unintended Consequences. Public Personnel Management 17/4: 421–434. Moon, S. H./Scullen, S. E./Latham, G. P. (2016): Precarious curve ahead: The effects of forced distribution rating systems on job performance. Human Resource Management Review 26/2: 166-179. Ockenfels, A./Sliwka, D./Werner, P. (2015). Bonus Payments and Reference Point Violations. Management Science, 61(7), 1496-1513. doi:10.1287/mn- sc.2014.1949. O’Rourke, J./Collins, S. (2008): Managing Conflict and Workplace Relationships. Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Ovide, S./Feintzeig, R. (2013): Microsoft abandons „stack ranking“ of employees. The Wall Street Journal. Stewart, S./Gruys, M./Storm, M. (2010): Forced Distribution Performance Evalu- ation Systems: Advantages, Disadvantages and Keys to Implementation. Journal of Management & Organization 16/1: 168–179. Van Mol, C. (2017): Improving web survey efficiency: the impact of an extra reminder and reminder content on web survey response. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 20/4: 317–327. Welch, J./Welch S. (2014): Winning. Das ist Management. Campus Verlag.