Personal Quarterly 1/2023

PERSONALquarterly 01 / 23 26 SCHWERPUNKT_SINN PROF. DR. HEIKO WECKMÜLLER Professur Human Resources Hochschule Koblenz Rheinahrcampus Remagen E-Mail: PROF. DR. MICHAEL KNAPPSTEIN ISM International School of Management E-Mail: SUMMARY Research question: Does the specific content of a corporate purpose statement influence employer attractiveness? Methodology: Vignette study (N = 476 young professionals) using a career page of a retail organization. Practical implications: The impact on employer attractiveness depends on the content of the purpose statement. E.g., contributing to society has a more positive impact in comparison to personal growth. DR. JULIAN DECIUS Universität Bremen E-Mail: LITERATURVERZEICHNIS Argandona, A. (1998): The Stakeholder Theory and the Common Good, in: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 17/No. 9, 1093-1102. Becker, W./Fischer, S./Staffel, M./Ulrich, P. (2008): Individuelle Bewerberpräferenzen und „Job Pursuit Intention“: Ergebnisbericht einer experimentellen Untersuchung, Bamberg: Deloitte.Mittelstandsinstitut an der Universität Bamberg. Bergmann, F. (2004): Neue Arbeit, Neue Kultur, Freiburg, Arbor. Brast, C./Hendriks, J. (2013): ... wie ein Ei dem anderen? Ein empirischer Vergleich von Arbeitgeberversprechen, in: PERSONALquarterly, Jg. 65/H. 4, 36-40. Collins J. C./Porras, J. I. (1991): Organizational Vision and Visionary Organization, in: California Management Review, Vol. 34/No. 1, 30-52. Decius, J./Knappstein, M./Schaper, N./Seifert, A. (2021): Investigating the Multidimensionality of Informal Learning: Validation of a Short Measure for White-Collar Workers, in: Human Resource Development Quarterly. Advance online publication. Decius, J./Kortsch, T./Paulsen, H./Schmitz, A. (2022): Learning What you Really, Really Want: Towards a Conceptual Framework of New Learning in the Digital Work Environment, in: HICSS (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (S. 5231 – 5240). Delmas, M. A./Burbano, V. C. (2011): The Drivers of Greenwashing, in: California Management Review, Vol. 54/No. 1, 64-87. Frankl, V. (1972): Der Mensch auf der Suche nach Sinn, Stuttgart, Klett. Hackman, J. R. & Oldham, G. R. (1976): Motivation through the design of work: Test of a theory, in: Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 16, 250–279. Henderson, R./Van den Steen, E. (2015): Why Do Firms Have „Purpose“? The Firm‘s Role as a Carrier of Identity and Reputation, in: American Economic Review, Vol. 105/ No.5, 326-30. Highhouse, S./Lievens, F./Sinar, E. F. (2003): Measuring Attraction to Organizations, in: Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol. 63/No. 6, 986-1001. Kant, I. (1977): Werke in zwölf Bänden, Band 7, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Knappstein, M. (2019): Employee Volunteering: Organisationale Ausprägungen und Auswirkungen. Wiesbaden: Springer. Lips-Wiersma, M./Morris, L. (2009): Discriminating Between ‘Meaningful Work’ and the ‘Management of Meaning’, in: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 88/No. 3, 491-511. Lytle, R. S./Timmerman, J. E. (2006): Service Orientation and Performance: An Organizational Perspective, in: Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 20/No. 2, 136-147. Martinez, V. R. (2021): A More Equitable Corporate Purpose, in: Pollman, E./ Thompson, R. B./Weidenbruch, P. P. (eds.): Research Handbook on Corporate Purpose and Personhood, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 47-67. Sheth, J. N./Sethia, N. K./Srinivas, S. (2011): Mindful Consumption: A CustomerCentric Approach to Sustainability, In: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 39/No. 1, 21-39. Taimer, L./Weckmüller, H. (2020): New Work Diskursanalyse – Humanisierung der Arbeit oder effektives Management? in: Personalführung ohne Jg./H. 10, 14-20. United Nations (2021): Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung Bericht 2021, Link: (zuletzt abgerufen 28.12.2021)